First off, I would like to thank you for being here and exploring my work!

My name is Emma and I am a freelance designer with experience as a graphic designer for Northwest Missouri State University’s Football program and as the Marketing Manager for See The Trainer Sports Medicine Stores .

In the top right corner you will find everything that I think that I am good enough at to make money off of… Just kidding! But, these are the things that I believe I have a special talent in and can use to, in turn, impact peoples lives. Art, in all forms, is one of the many things that I am passionate about, and I love being able to share it with people.

I was born in KC, MO in 2000 - making me 23 years old. I have toggled between living in Omaha, NE and Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico since then. When I was a little girl, my biological father passed away. However, since then my life has been full of blessings and opportunities that make me see the beauty in everything. I was raised by two INCREDIBLE people who have not only taught me to embrace who I am, but have taught me to reach for the stars.

I intend to do that, and more, by providing artistic design that is truly available to ALL.

So what is byEM really?

I want to move people with my creative skills and to reach corners of the universe that light doesn’t even touch.
I want EVERYone (and I mean everyone) to be able to have a home, a website, a business that they are proud of.

EVERY high quality person deserves high quality design. High quality life.
Life can become so much easier and more beautiful when you learn to harness the energy around you and slow down.